{{detailCtrl.mainImageIndex + 1}}/2

動く図鑑MOVE 乗りもの

通常価格 417円




カッコイイ!4種類の超リアルおりがみが折れちゃう!! <セット内容> プリントおりがみ 7柄各2枚 14枚 上質おりがみ 8色8枚 図鑑&折り方説明書 1冊 ・新幹線 ・自動車 ・旅客船 ・旅客機 ※Please read if you live outside Japan. There are two requests for shipping outside Japan. (1) When shipping outside of Japan, be sure to order at least 5 items. This doesn't mean that you buy four or more of the same items. Please make sure that the total of all orders is at least 5 items. (2) If you wish to order 4 or less, please contact [email protected]. Please observe this. thank you for reading.
