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特集 そなえあれば憂いなし ①うさぎ ②臼と杵 ③たぬき ④お楽しみケース ⑤ヘルメット ⑥気分のよい箱 ⑦うさぎ型防災用おりがみ食器キット ⑧趣き皿 ⑨親子でお月見 ⑩亀 ⑪スタンド ※Please read if you live outside Japan. There are two requests for shipping outside Japan. (1) When shipping outside of Japan, be sure to order at least 5 items. This doesn't mean that you buy four or more of the same items. Please make sure that the total of all orders is at least 5 items. (2) If you wish to order 4 or less, please contact [email protected]. Please observe this. thank you for reading.
